info (at)
Riccardo A. Andreoli
I've been diving for a long time, so over the years I had the opportunity to test and select many different equipment. And if, in my earliest years, due to the obvious economic problems that almost all young people share, I have sometimes chosen cheaper equipment instead of a better one, in my late (er!) years... I no longer accept compromises.
I only use what, in my opinion, is the best equipment available. I don't want to lose a dream fish just for saving some money that I can forget in the long run. And even if I'm not fishing for "dream fish" I still prefer to have a better opportunity to catch a more beautiful fish, to remember, and maybe lose some smaller, soon forgotten ones.
C4 was created by Marco (and Nicoletta) Bonfanti. Marco, in my opinion is the greatest innovator of underwater equipment! He invented carbon fins, which all competing companies now have in their catalog, and is constantly improving them.
He then went on to revolutionize the footpockets and from there to the whole concept of diver-fin connection.
Last but not least, there is Marco's hand on spearguns, full carbon ones, of unparalleled elegance and performance.
I was lucky enough to be able to test C4 equipment for several years. And, as mentioned above about not accepting compromises anymore, I have no doubts about their best possible quality.
C4 are the fins (and the wetsuit) with which I made mine World ecord.
The total carbon C4 spearguns are fantastic. However, they are designed and built for fishing in the Mediterranean, with the prey that that Sea grants in these times. In the images speargun and fins from a few years ago.
For spearfishing in the Blue, where the fish are potentially much larger than the fisherman and certainly enormously more powerful, other weapons are needed.
I found them in a Californian manufacturer, who creates niche products that have more of the stradivarius than the rude tool to use in any boat in the world. Entirely in teak, it has rubber bands as its propulsion but it can holds six of them, to reduce recoil it's weighed down by two wings filled with lead but in water it's neutral. And without the spear it freely floats.
Blue Water Spearfishing Gear
As for the rest of the equipment for Blue Water spearfishing, that's very specific, such as bungee, float line, special buoys, etc., half a site would be needed only for them ...
And besides, it would be unnecessary, everything has already been illustrated in the book indicated here depicted.